Dive deeper into the findings from the TechLink R&D Innovation
Performance Study.
DOD Innovations Detecting and Reacting to Poor Air Quality
Air quality is critical to overall quality of life. That’s bad news for 131.2 million people (39% of individuals in the United States) living in locations with failing grades for unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution.
Learn how improvements in HVAC systems can improve air quality.
External and Internal Collaboration Drives Consumer Durables Innovation
Consumer durables manufacturers produce various complex goods, including washers, dryers, air conditioners, and sports equipment. These companies leverage contributions from external partners and internal departments to develop high-quality innovations that can replace their product lines in the years ahead.
How will your innovation strategy leverage external insights and assistance?
Mixed Reality Innovations Spurred By DOD and VA Technologies
The global mixed reality market — estimated at more than $4 billion in 2024 — is expected to grow to more than $26 billion by 2029. This explosion of virtual technologies is fueled by applications for nearly every industry including aviation, real estate, and healthcare.
What applications in your industry can benefit from mixed reality?
Partnering and Best Practices Drive Rapid Software Innovations
Few products go from hit to has-been as fast as software applications and systems. The list of nearly forgotten software — Hypercard, AOL Instant Messenger, Postscript, Napster— is long and growing. Software companies must invent their next great product before the current version is overtaken by new technologies.
Will your software company find its next great idea?
Strategy Must Guide Materials Industry Innovations
Material manufacturers with effective R&D processes — i.e., those that generate a third or more of revenue from products introduced in the last three years — improve their odds of delivering game-changing innovations.
Will your materials company find its next great idea?
Jumpstart Your Materials Innovation with Federal Inventions
The materials industry is rapidly entering new markets, such as biomimetics (the development of biomaterials and synthetics that mimic biological processes). Yet many materials companies aren’t as innovative as they could be.
How can materials companies can improve their R&D capabilities, especially those related to biomimetics?
R&D Innovation Performance Study: Results At a Glance
Innovation drives business success, yet many companies lack an effective and efficient research and development strategy. Learn more about TechLink’s R&D Innovation Performance Study and the common opportunity gaps companies should consider to improve the innovation process.
See how your company stacks up.
Four Keys to Innovation Success
Innovation is the lifeblood of every organization. This study examines four keys that help companies (including high-tech, software, biomed, manufacturing, and defense firms) to achieve innovation success.
Unlock your company’s innovation potential with a four-step approach.
Closing Three Innovation Gaps
Companies must overcome a series of obstacles that can derail products, services, or technologies as they move from ideation to market.
Where are your innovation gaps — and how will you close them?
Six Ways that R&D Leaders Manage — and Profit — Differently
33% of executives from the Study describe their companies’ innovation capabilities vs. others in their industry as Innovation Leaders. These organizations manage differently and outperform competitors.
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